October 24 is celebrated as UN World Development Information Day
On the World Development Information Day let us a pause for a few seconds… how often do we reflect that we are truly grateful to have access to information and communication technologies tools especially in the pandemic? Access to information and communication technology tools can collectively be advocated as a universal civic right not confined to urban societies only. World Development Information Day | United Nations
Let’s begin the career conversation with a few guiding questions:
1. As career scholars and career practitioners how are we addressing the digital divide especially in the COVID pandemic where countless marginalized communities are deprived of school education, information and communication technology tools?

2. There are large portions of the society in the developing, under-developed, small island developing states and landlocked developing countries that sadly do not have access to information and communication technology tools.
How are we prioritizing that we pro-actively reach to those marginalized communities? The 1st step: Are we communicating with the respective community mobilizers and with keen stakeholders?
3. How often do we visit rural communities, collaborate with community mobilizers, information, communication technological tools organizations to ensure an engaging dialogue with an aim to discuss and provide sustainable solutions for access to information and communication technology tools?
4. The role of technological and communication technology organizations around the world plays a strategic role and can lead to ground-breaking initiatives in initiating and developing information and communication technology tools infrastructure/ satellite information and communication hubs, providing laptops and external internet devices that caters to inclusion this can be a great meaningful contribution as a corporate social responsibility- CSR.
Access to information and communication technology tools ensuring reliable broadband connectivity is possible when keen stakeholders are committed to make a difference, via cooperation, collaboration, conversation enabling to bridge the digital gap for marginalized communities to blossom and grow promoting inclusion and multi-cultural diversity.
Career pathways can be Journalism, IT, Computer Science, Anchor, Video Blogger, App Developer, Bots Developer, Youtuber etc.