December 18 is the United Nations International Migrants’ Day to recognize the efforts, contributions, and the rights of immigrants worldwide.
Natural disasters, economic and political conflicts, and extreme poverty are some of the factors that drove 281 million people either voluntarily or by force to become migrants in 2020.
Career Development Professionals can play a major role in helping migrants to navigate their new environment. They can assist them in designing career paths that can lead to the development of new skills and the acquisition of jobs with living wages. In so doing, they can empower them to rebuild their lives and to become productive members of their new communities.
#UNInternationalMigrantsDay #CareerandLivelihoodDay #UNSustainableDevelopmentGoals #NoPoverty #GoodHealthandWellBeing #QualityEducation #GenderEquality #DecentWorkandEconomicGrowth #IndustryInnovationandInfrastructure #ReducedInequalities #ClimateAction