Let’s celebrate United Nations International Literacy Day on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

Literacy is critical to economic development as well as individual and community well-being. Effective literacy skills open doors to more educational and employment opportunities so that people are able to pull themselves out of poverty and chronic underemployment. In Canada, we are launching these skills as part of our Skills for Success campaign. We believe these are everyday skills needed for work, learning and life. These nine skills include reading, writing, numeracy, communication, problem-solving, creativity and innovation, adaptability and collaboration.
Career pathways may include individuals who work as literacy tutors, essential skills coordinators, teachers and volunteers who mentor individuals and families. Building and maintaining our literacy levels requires lifelong learning – we all can play a role in helping ourselves and others build these foundational skills. #UNInternationalLIteracyDay #UNcareerDay #UNCareerandLivelihoodDay