Reducing food loss and waste: Taking Action to Transform Food Systems
“The International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, with the 2023 theme “Reducing food loss and waste: Taking Action to Transform Food Systems,” is an opportunity to call to action both the public (national or local authorities) and the private sector (businesses and individuals), to prioritise actions and move ahead with innovation to reduce food loss and waste towards restoring and building back better and resilient-ready, food systems.” UN International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Our role is to help clients and students realize to have a future; they need to be intentional in ensuring their careers help, not hinder, the Global Goals. To take action to reduce food loss, look to careers that address SDGs #2, #6, #9, #12, #14, #15, and #17. Other SDGs intersect, but in the above list, there is an abundance of opportunities to have a career in which you use the SDGs to solve the food waste problem.
Fundraising and talking about the problem will not be enough. Looking for solutions through one discipline will also not be enough. Interdisciplinarity action is a must! Sharp minds that value planet Earth and all of humanity will help ensure the elimination of food loss and waste so that world hunger is ended.
Following is a list of SDGs with sample careers that directly impact Reducing Food Loss and Waste. Remember to look at our daily, seven days a week, Instagram stories for more SDGs, career ideas, and employers. We keep it lively by featuring a different song each week by Billboard Global charting musicians committed to The Global Goals and intersecting topics that include the United Nations and Global Citizen Festival:
Sample Careers to Help End Food Waste:
SDG 2: Farming
SDG 6: Water Engineer
SDG 9: Transportation and Logistics
SDG 12: Meatable Quality Control Technician: Meatable
SDG14: Fishing
SDG 15: Digital Content Maker (works across all 17 goals)
SDG 17: Where everyone gets together to change systems and make it work. Such organizations (companies) include Divert (USA), Mesa Brazil SESC, and Winnow (United Kingdom): Companies Helping to End Food Waste.