April 20 is United Nations’ Chinese Language Day.

Did you know that the Chinese language (Mandarin in particular) is becoming the most widely used language on the globe? Approximately 1/5 of the entire world population speaks Chinese as their native language. Mandarin is starting to be introduced into the early education curriculum in North America, with immersion being defined as 50% of the curriculum being taught in the language. Language is how we express ourselves and is arguably the most important communication tool; research supports the fact that employers consistently cite communication skills as one of the top competencies required for jobs across any industry or sector and that’s not going away anytime soon. Furthermore, being able to communicate in your intended audience’s language strengthens relationships; it shows that you get the nuance of their language. With Chinese, for example, a slight change of word defines family relationships. This implicit understanding, in the Chinese culture or really any culture, goes a long way. So, why not take a moment today to learn a single word or phrase in Mandarin or Cantonese… it could go a long way in building your relationship or getting noticed by prospective employers, clients…or friends! To help our son (half-Chinese) become immersed in Mandarin we are trying apps like Duolingo to make language fun and engaging. Any other recommendations welcomed. 謝謝! #UNChineseLanguageDay #ChineseLanguageDay #Chinese #Mandarin #languagelearning #CareerandLivelihoodDay #UNSustainableDevelopmentGoals #QualityEducation #IndustryInnovationandInfrastructure